Before You Dig Dial 811

The Pipeline Transportation System

Interstate pipelines deliver over 12.9 billion barrels (542 billion gallons) of petroleum products each year. About 59% of the petroleum products transport by pipeline is crude oil (7.6 billion barrels) and the remainder (5.3 billion barrels) is in the form of refined petroleum products.* 

Oil Production

Crude oil is the raw material for making petroleum products. It is the natural resource that is extracted from the earth. 


Crude oil pipelines transport crude oil from onshore and offshore production wells and from coastal shipping terminals to refineries and chemical plants.

Refining and Processing

At refineries, the oil is processed into refined products such as gasoline, heating oil, diesel, and oil feed stocks. At chemical plants, the oil feed is processed into resins, plastics, chemicals and agricultural products. 


Transmission pipelines transport refined petroleum products and natural gas to customers, for use or for further distribution


At the distribution centers, the products are loaded on to tanker trucks for further transportation to airports, service centers, and to your home.

* Source – LEPA – Liquid Energy Pipeline Association.